All About Nonprofit

Nonprofit Planning and Budgeting In the Cloud

For nonprofit organizations, financial sustainability is built upon the timely review and reporting of financial activities to constituents. With the increasing need to accurately measure outcomes, rising donor expectations and massive changes in the...
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Leading Practices for Nonprofits to Improve Operational Performance

There’s no question that nonprofit organizations have faced countless challenges over the course of the past two years. As the need for your important efforts escalates, your organization has to keep up. Couple that need with a technology infrastructure...
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Case Study: A Nonprofit’s Switch From QuickBooks Online to NetSuite

Baltimore Youth Cycling (BYC) is a nonprofit that introduces kids to bike racing and develops junior bike racers through their road and cyclocross racing programs. BYC is 100% volunteer-run and relies on electronic systems to keep their operations...
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The Latest Technology Trends for Nonprofit Infrastructure

You don’t want to be the last in line when it comes to modernizing your organization’s processes. Staying up-to-speed with what is on the horizon allows your nonprofit to master and measure mission impact effectively. Infrastructure needs are changing...
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How to Measure Outcomes That Deliver Mission Impact In Nonprofits

Accurately assessing and reporting the results of your work is critical to determining your nonprofit’s impact. How else can you tell if funding is being used appropriately or if your organization is accomplishing its goals? Clear methods of gathering...
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All-In-One Software for Better Nonprofit Management

Finance and fundraising departments meet and greet at each transaction. Fundraising connects the transaction to an organization, a household or an individual — and further — needs to track and report on marketing data associated with the transaction....
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