Leading Practices for Nonprofits to Improve Operational Performance

By: Chris Haiss

There’s no question that nonprofit organizations have faced countless challenges over the course of the past two years. As the need for your important efforts escalates, your organization has to keep up.

Couple that need with a technology infrastructure that fails to meet demands and you’re at a complete disadvantage. Your organization requires reliable operations to stay afloat and excel in fulfilling your mission to serve.

Luckily, there’s a dependable solution that responds to the critical needs of your nonprofit. It’s called NetSuite.

NetSuite offers a suite of cloud-based software built for nonprofits of all sizes to improve operations and grow their mission and can successfully implement, utilize and accelerate their impact.

Understanding the Nonprofit Experience

Gross Mendelsohn and NetSuite have a deep understanding of nonprofit organizations and the many challenges they face. As the pace of change accelerates, nonprofits are struggling to keep up — especially for those still relying on an outdated software system or IT infrastructure.

While nonprofits strive to improve operational performance and surpass constituent expectations in an increasingly competitive environment, they are struggling with:

  • Manual data entry and processes
  • Reporting metrics based on unreliable data
  • Divided global operations
  • Lack of constituent insight
  • Limited cash visibility
  • Ineffective grant and resource tracking

When seeking to address these challenges, you might be concerned about the time and capital required to fix your organization’s back-end systems. But you realize that the ability to quickly adapt and scale is critical to your mission success.

NetSuite delivers a unique set of processes, activities and systems specifically designed to deliver value. It provides a strong foundation to transform organizations with a pre-configured solution and methodology that includes proven:

  • Detailed workflows
  • Pre-configured functional roles
  • Dashboards
  • KPIs

These leading practices focus on rapidly meeting business objectives and seamlessly grow and scale.

A Proven Path to Success for Nonprofits

If you decide that NetSuite is the system that’ll help your nonprofit improve operations, then it’s important to work with an experienced NetSuite implementation partner.

Gross Mendelsohn will guide you through a smooth, initial implementation and the adoption of more tools over time to achieve sophisticated operations management.

Here is an example of the software’s scalability during and after the NetSuite implementation process:

  • The first step is all about making sure your nonprofit has full, real-time visibility of its financial data. NetSuite does this through ensuring automated close and real-time consolidation, clear reporting on grants and funds, and role-based interfaces, KPIs and dashboards. Gross margins have improved for nonprofits by 1%-5%.
  • Once there, nonprofits are in a better position to consolidate disparate systems through seamless operations and a full view of their constituent activity. This phase also includes financial planning and analysis, accounts receivable detail and fund accounting.
  • From there, your nonprofit can be freed from the constraints of its legacy systems. You’re now poised to tackle challenges such as improving the constituent experience, conducting unified billing and preventing revenue leakage to truly enhance operations.
  • Ultimately, the focus turns to more disruptive strategies such as developing new business models and building impactful relationships through connecting dollars to outcomes.

Delivering Transformative Results

Regardless of your role in your nonprofit, NetSuite delivers all the tools needed from day one so you can get up and running quickly and successfully.

Whatever your job function, NetSuite will come pre-configured with all the KPIs, reminders, reports and dashboards for daily and strategic needs—proven from years of real-world use by thousands of people in similar roles at nonprofit organizations.

Need Help?

If you’d like to learn whether NetSuite could be a fit for your nonprofit, contact us online or give us a call at 410.685.5512 to schedule a demo.

Published January 21, 2022

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