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Posts by Lisa Johnson

Top Charity Watchdogs Nonprofits Should Know

Charity watchdog sites are often resources that current and future donors (as well as volunteers and employees) rely on to evaluate a nonprofit. An optimized, up-to-date profile on a watchdog site can serve as a differentiator for your nonprofit,...
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Private School Financial Reporting Mistakes: Donor Support

Donor support can have complex accounting requirements for private schools. This can lead to schools improperly recording certain types of donor support, which can result in misstatements or reclassifications. The following are just some of the most...
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3 Budgeting Best Practices for Private Schools [+ Budget Template]

The budgeting process is arguably one of the most important tools for creating a road map to your private school’s success. Planning and monitoring your budget can help you identify wasteful expenditures, adapt to financial changes, and achieve your...
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Does My Nonprofit Need D&O Insurance?

Hundreds of nonprofits face lawsuits every year, but many nonprofits assume they don’t need directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance. Unfortunately, if your nonprofit doesn’t have a D&O policy, your directors, staff and possibly even your...
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How to Prepare for Your Private School’s Next Audit

While students might be out for the season, summer is often the time when private schools hit the books to prepare for their yearly audit. Here's a quick guide on how to prepare your private school for this year’s audit.
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Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Audit Committee

Do you know what you’re signing up for if someone asks you to be on the audit committee of a nonprofit organization?
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