Can a Better Project Management Software System Help Keep Your Best Construction Employees?

By: Chris Haiss

According to a recent Maryland construction industry survey, the number one concern among construction company owners is finding and retaining good employees. So how can a project management software system help with that?

Employees Want Communication

Studies show that many employees leave because of poor communication with management. When communication falls off with employees, it can cause problems with coordinating and completing jobs. As your construction company grows, this task only gets harder.

A good project management software system is built to make job tracking available to both employee and manager so that everything is up to date. When an employee is able to add information about their current jobs to the software, management can easily check an employee’s job progress and coordinate the next job without relying on the employee’s response.

Essentially, the project management software system makes communicating with employees and managers stress-free.

Employees Value a Company With a Good Reputation

What happens if you overbook your employees and a job doesn’t get completed on time? You risk making your customers angry. If it keeps happening, you could tarnish your construction company reputation.

Some construction project management systems have an easy-to-use dashboard for updating job statuses, uploading documents, scheduling jobs and managing resources. That makes it easy for management to see the overall status of a job and accurately schedule employees on future jobs without worrying about overbooking.

Employees Care About Their Company's Culture

If you’re running your company the same way you did in 1998, then you aren’t going to attract good new employees.

Trading in the endless paper trail and the time-consuming Excel spreadsheets for a snazzy project management software system will show prospective employees that your construction company is cutting-edge and ready to grow. 

With a cloud-based construction project management software subscription, employees can even have this dashboard available by tablet or laptop. Having this dashboard on-the-go is an important way to keep an open communication about job statuses.

Utilizing this technology shows that your company is not only an industry leader that’s ready to grow, but also it’s a cool company to work for.

Employees Want Autonomy

Employees don’t want to feel like you’re checking in every hour. They want to feel like their managers trust them.

With a sophisticated project management software system, you can give employees autonomy without losing communication with management. Employees can be responsible for entering items such as estimates, appointments, important documents, job notes and more. During this process, management can easily monitor the projected profit, cost and cash flow to make sure a job is on track without interrupting an employee from their job.

With an easy-to-use project management software system, your construction company can easily communicate with employees while giving them the autonomy they need. Plus, it makes your construction company look like a cool company to work for.

We bet construction companies that utilize the full benefits of project management software are a little less worried about obtaining and keeping their good employees.

Need Help?

Whether it’s integrating a new project management software system for your construction company or helping your team to find better ways to work together, our construction industry gurus are here to help.

Contact us here or call Chris Haiss, CPA, MCTS, at 410.685.5512 to discuss your situation.

Published February 16, 2017

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