How NetSuite Ticks All the Boxes for Wholesale Distributors

By: Sharon Paul

On-premise legacy systems and tools, box store relationships and simple processes. For generations, companies in the wholesale distribution industry had everything they needed within their facilities and existing networks to keep things running and their businesses thriving.

Not anymore. Simply put: wholesale distributors are at a crossroads, and it’s time to make a decision. Continue with business as usual, or optimize your business with industry best practices.

Changes in the marketplace have meant disruption in the industry. For example, the “Amazon effect” has given rise to consumers’ expectations for a personalized, online shopping experience with endless options and fast delivery.

Meeting these demands can be a big challenge for companies that have been operating on multiple disconnected systems. It’s an even bigger challenge when managing numerous subsidiaries with multiple accounting systems. And forget about aggregating data to generate real-time reports; having multiple systems makes that nearly impossible.

One unified ERP system used throughout your entire business can lead you on the path toward success. There’s a good chance that NetSuite can be that system.

What Is NetSuite?

NetSuite is the #1 cloud-based software solution for wholesale distributors. Because NetSuite allows you to manage all key business functions under one roof, we can say with confidence that NetSuite is most likely the final solution your organization will ever need.

Because NetSuite runs in the cloud, your business and employees will have 24/7, real-time access to the system on the road, between meetings and on-the-fly, all with online, offline and mobile access.

What Does NetSuite Offer Wholesale Distributors?

Gross Mendelsohn and NetSuite offer wholesale distributors support for the full lifecycle of your business — from the initial NetSuite implementation to training and support.

NetSuite helps distributors seamlessly transition to the cloud while addressing the industry challenges of thin margins, seasonality, the “Amazon Effect,” inventory costs, resource constraints, and the unique juxtaposition of trying to both survive and thrive in a highly disrupted and evolving industry.

The results are the ability to compete in the marketplace, empowerment to adapt and change, business stability and scalability, improved operational efficiency, greater visibility into the business, improved controls, proactive decision-making and increased profit margin.

What Should You Look for In a NetSuite Implementation Partner?

Having implemented hundreds of systems over the last couple of decades, we know how overwhelming an ERP implementation can be. That’s why it’s critical to work with a NetSuite implementation partner who can offer you the following:

A good NetSuite partner (or any ERP system partner for that matter) will do the heavy lifting during the implementation and be respectful of your time. They’ll also provide a clear roadmap upfront for what the implementation will look like, who will do what and deadlines for milestones.

Need Help?

Our team has a deep bench of consultants with experience and expertise in both the wholesale distribution industry and NetSuite software. If you’d like to learn whether NetSuite could be a fit for your business, contact us online or give us a call at 410.685.5512 to schedule a demo.

Published August 3, 2021

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